The Georgian Baktangios
Los 3448
Baktangios, imperial spatharios, 8th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 19.22 g, 12 h). Cruciform monogram ΘЄOTOKЄ BOHΘH supported by eagle standing to left, head right, wings spread. Rev. +BAK/TAΓIⲰ BA/CIΛIKⲰ HP/HTO CΠΑΘΑΡΙⲰ+ in five lines. Apparently unpublished. Good very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The name Baktangios suggests a Georgian origin for this seal's owner (Vakhtang). In fact, a person bearing this name is mentioned in narrative sources as the supporter of the Armenian usurper, Artavasdus (742-743), against Constantine V. The conspirators were eventually captured and brought to the capital. While Artavasdus was punished with public blinding, the even more unfortunate Baktangios was beheaded, and his head was put on display for three days. If this seal belongs to the historical Baktangios, it must date before the events surrounding Artavasdus, as the historians say he was a patrikios, a higher dignity than imperial spatharios as mentioned on our seal.
50 CHF
170 CHF
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